I hate dog owners. Most of them keep fancy names for their dogs, mostly english – because colonial gulaami ya kuch, or to show off your western knowledge you know like Frodo, Simba, Henry, Shadow and they love them and call them bubu, munchkinds, mattu and pata nahi kya kya.
But all of these kaamwali-cooks-food and car-washer employing people are legend level chutiya when it comes to walking their Kutta. They find it disgusting to pick after them. Kyun bhai? what’s the problem. Look in the tatti, you’ll see your dog’s cute face. utha lo ussey yaar. Don’t abandon that cute tatti.
On this #LoveYourPetDay rather than making cute illustrations of my dog and taking 1000 pictures of her, I would want to remind all of you super-chodu dog lovers that streets belong to regular folk too and they really don’t like when randomly their feet steps into a kutta’s tatti. Novodt does.
#LoveYourPetDay meets #SwachhBharat
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