Do you like Double Dorji? Will Bhutan really wage war against India?
This story is fiction and set in Bhutan of the future. Obviously, my fictional grandfather Dorji is not the inventor of GNH. But I thought it was a good tool to use in the story.
One error I fixed in this chapter was eyes. Till now I was drawing all Bhutanese characters slit-eyed. That was more a design decision, but I felt later that it was clear cut racism. Every artist views their own ethnicity as neutral and paints everyone around them in different colorsĀ and in this case I had borrowed from masters of this error – white people.
I studied Bhutanese faces in as much detail as I could. Found this interesting study by another artist and this has opened my eyes (pun intended). I will keep studying and improve on my sad attempt right now. I also went back and drew eyes in the earlier chapters. I realize now that the generalization cost me a lot – the characters really look better now. They feel human. They emote.
It’s not really a pat on the back for myself but sharing an error I made and how I went about correcting it.
Sad thing is, I have printed a preview of 1 st chapter as this mini-comic, which has the slit-eyed faces. should I keep selling it or put it away. what do you think?
I also feel that there is an immense lack of women in this story till now. Let’s see how that’s dealt with in future chapters – political correctness nahi hai. bas balance hai.
The 9th panel seems incorrect. Shouldn’t it say “Gross National Happiness”?
Thanks! Fixed.